Saturday 17 November 2018

Time Out

Holy Cross Priory Chapel

Whenever I hear the words "time out" I immediately think that someone is being punished for doing or saying something inappropriate.  The phrase and action is most often associated with young children.  But it does not have to be that way.  So I am in a time out. My time out is utterly pleasant and relaxing.  I am taking a time out of my real life and enjoying a quiet retreat.  The focus that I have given myself is mindfulness.

It is easy to enjoy the time out when you are living with a community.  So for one week, I have retreated to the Holy Cross Priory to be quiet, mindful and prayerful.  It was while I was talking with one of the Brothers that I began to ponder what this community means.  It is more than an escape, more than time out of time, more than prayer.  It is a place of belonging to re-group, re-focus and re-connect, not merely with the community but with ones self.

It is also a reminder of how there are so many who pray for everyone in the world, intentionally!  The rhythm of prayer is a continuous circle, beginning here while finishing elsewhere, finishing here and beginning somewhere else.  The reminder of the rhythm offers comfort and hope.  A fitting reminder that even if we lose focus in life, stumble and struggle on our path, someone somewhere is praying for for us and for new light and hope to shine in us.

I have always found a great comfort in being
with my Holy Cross community and,(after being absent from them for three years (far too long)) to be reminded that the rhythm continues, prayers are offered, and the circle of prayer goes on is a source of strength and comfort.  In my mindfulness exercise I am reminded in this time that there is a continuum.   The circle of prayer goes unbroken.   All of humanity is held in loving prayer.  And whether you are rushing through your day, taking a time out, or involved in other activities...someone, somewhere says a prayer.  Someone, somewhere prays for you.

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