Thursday 24 March 2022

The Best Laid Plans --Recalibrating

What happens when one lets ones DH plan the day?  Trick question you think?  Well my DH supposedly had the day mapped out, then he forgot the map!  Train tickets were in hand to take us to Hexham where we were going to hike to "the wall" and Sycamore Gap.  So on the way to our destination I thought I should google directions and see how long a walk we should anticipate adding extra time for getting mis-directed (yes lost). And I made a little discovery it would take 10 hours plus to walk!  It was the wrong stop we actually needed the next one (Haltwhistle) so we got off the train and had to purchase more tickets. 

The country side from the train window

We went on to Carlisle and thought we would stop on the way back and do the walk.  Well that did not turn out quite as planned either.  After a quick lunch my  DH and I were zipping off to the Cathedral (a major site to see) when my DH loses an eyelet in his boot-enter the shoe repair store and voila fixed in about two minutes. We are off again when my DH spots a Barber shop and decides he needs his hair cut.  And yes indeed they can take him in.  I left him behind and whipped down the street, got lost of course but found  a lovely friendly local (security) person who set me on the right course and five minutes later I reached my destination.

An Imposing sight as you walk up to it.

The Cathedral grounds and building were lovely.  It is about 900 years old and quite magnificent.  It would never get off the ground these days -- too many permits and red tape.  And yet amazingly here it stands all these years.  

The ceiling is referred to as glimpse of heaven.  It is rather beautiful in the blue and gold.  Stained glass is always eye catching and quite lovely.

The glimpse...

Over the high altar

After a quick tour and a skipping the crypt I was back outside, remember I need to find my DH.  Success! with no getting lost and no I did not just retrace my steps (how boring) I tried a few different streets!!! and finally I found him sitting and patiently waiting.

A street in Carlisle

We hopped the train again and decided to forgo getting off in search of the wall and the tree.  Just out of curiosity do you know what it is famous for?

We headed back to Newcastle.  Once back to the city it was off again to see the Cathedral of St. Nicholas and the Castle. 

A couple of pictures of the outside of the Castle

We were not able to see the inside of the Castle so we explored the grounds outside before heading to the cathedral where practice for the Choral Evensong was underway.  

Another beautiful location and building.  However, what I found most enjoyable was following the ribbon and new/rewritten Beatitudes that encouraged quiet contemplation right in the center of the city in the Terrace Garden of the grounds.  

A few samples of the "Beatitudes"

The ribbon that you followed with words of encouragement, hope and gratitude

Another Beatitude...I won't post them all!!

Yes the day was just as exhausting as it sounds but it sure was fun!

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