Monday 25 July 2016


I saw this posted on facebook today by a friend.  I was just about to log off and head out to the gym before a busy day started but I paused, read this and thought it is too good not to share.  The Pause is an inspiration because in allowing ourselves those few moments to not react we can find a calming effect, a new perspective and a reminder to pray.

Given that yesterday's sermon was about prayer and the fact that it need not be complicated, wordy or even well thought out I thought the ending of this quote was just a lovely reflection of that, in the pause, that brief moment just pray.  Pray for whatever it is that is needed in that moment, calm, patience, love, understanding, compassion, perspective...and so on and that deep breath, that pause changes everything.  Yesterday's sermon focused on the Lord's prayer and Jesus being asked by the disciples to teach them to pray.  Like the disciples many of us often feel that the prayers we say, think, feel are not adequate.  They should be fancier, worded better.  Prayer offered sincerely and simply, where we are and in whatever circumstances we find ourselves are often the best prayers, offered from our hearts and in all sincerity.

In the midst of a busy day, there might be frustrations... pause...pray
In the midst of relationships there might be misunderstandings... pause...pray
In the midst of life there might be exhaustion and worry...pause...pray
In the midst of darkness there might be hopelessness and sadness...pause...pray
In the midst of celebration and joy ... pause ...pray

Take a moment to matter the situation

This pause yielded a far different result, I checked the temperature outside and it was in the low twenties and much to the dismay of my Golden boy Gandalf the pause resulted in him having to go for a walk -- not his favourite thing to do and yes he paused many, many times in hope that we were turning around to go home and eventually it happened!

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