Tuesday 24 April 2018

So much for - we will always have Paris!

Well, Paris was a bust!  My friends and DH were sick for the whole week with my DH likely being the most severe and in need of not merely a doctor but a hospital.  The view from his room on the ninth floor  was one of a kind.  As the attending nurse said yesterday “you have Paris at your feet.”  So suffice it to say I am adept at reading the map to walk and take short cuts to and from the hospital, learned how to use Uber and now know how the insurance works as well as the hospital in France.  All in all I have had a broader education than merely sight seeing!  After all how boring would that be.

After two days in the hospital my DH has been released but not in time to catch our morning flight but not to worry we are nothing if not flexible and are now on the train to Amsterdam.  The scenery is lovely but the train much too fast for snapping pictures.  Our friends, in the meantime, took the morning flight as scheduled, are all situated in Amsterdam.   However, given another week or so in Paris I think I would have gotten very fluent not only in navigating the city but speaking French more easily as well.  Ah well, I’m willing to make the sacrifice.  My Paris souvenir is a pen that I picked up from the tourist information office at the Gare de Nord station for my DH to fill in a form.  So much for Paris in the Springtime.

Hopefully all of the illness is behind us and we are able to get back on track with our planned excursions.  Amsterdam was to be the highlight for my friend FC and I.  We are looking forward to tulips, windmills and wooden shoes. So our adventure continues.

View from Room 937 St. Antoinne Hospital

Looking to the right from Room 937

Napoleon Gardens, on my walk yesterday to the hospital

My souvenir from Paris!

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