Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Staycation Part 2

Aslan ready to roll, he likes the windows down, 
a breeze in the face and the wind in his hair!

I've actually been back  to work for a week but somehow didn't get around to writing the second week of the holiday in the blog.  There were a few more day trips, just my pup and I.  My DH was working on the submission of a paper for the PhD program that he is in and had a deadline.  Aslan and I were as free as the birds and so we slept late (most days it was at least 8 am), decided if we'd veg out in the air conditioned house or explore another road.

We explored another road and had some fun.  Problem was it was hard to drive and snap pictures.  There was a beautiful one of a train coming down the line at a great distance and since we were more to the side you could appreciate just how long it was.  But we were in a construction area and it was too hard to pull off and find a side road and then get back in the madness so I admired it from the car but wishing and hoping that I'd have another opportunity.  So far no luck.

We saw beautiful fields of hay

An Automobile Museum in Headingly

Sadly it was closed for the summer but we found a  Roastery it was open and I scored some green coffee beans for roasting and in my excitement I forgot to get a picture

Beautiful fields on the way to Elie

The church of the Blessed Sacrament (Elie MB)

Added to that there was a long weekend and most places were closed so less exploration and of course my furry friend would have been too hot in the car since the temperature was in the 30's daily.  We didn't go out everyday though because then my Christmas gifts would not be completed and we couldn't have that.  Too bad I personalized most and can't offer a sneak peek!  But I will say that they turned out lovely! Yes. I know it's too early to talk about Christmas . . . but when you want to hand make things you need a head start!  

My furry friend and I hope to have another road trip soon and you never know my DH just might be free to join us and get the wind in his hair and enjoy the scenery too

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